Yes it’s true I am the luckiest girl in the world
So today my Roam adventures begin……
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP….. I haven’t woken up to an alarm in over a week now and I sure haven’t missed it , this morning though I jumped to my feet with excitement .
“over the bar way at first light” is what Mick had said yesterday.
This is it so exciting for me , the beginning of an epic adventure , Team Roam.
5 am , all the crew are up – Michael , Benn, Rolland , Joel and myself. The engines are warming up, It’s a perfect morning in St. Helens. 5.15 am , I push Roam off the wharf with the boat hook as Benn jumps back aboard tossingthe last mooring line back on deck , BYE land legs …..
My Brother Joel Brill, watching the sun rise . Stoked to be aboard .
Motoring out of Georges Bay, through the Bar way as the sun is rising in a spectacular morning sky. The water is calm and Roam sneaks through the Bar way . Andy ( Andrew , first officer ) see’s us off from the point , He will be joining us In Victoria at the end of October.
Living the dream
Rozza, fixing the crew a morning brew .
After our perfect departure, I had a not so wonderful touch of sea sickness in the transition to finding my sea legs. Crossing the Bank straight we hit some rougher swell coming as we were headed toward swan Island. After a couple of hours of lying down with the sea breeze I finally found my sea legs and in perfect timing, a playful pod of around 25- 30 dolphins came along side Roam . Darting in and out around the bows and launching out of the water. What an awesome sight, they are such beautiful creatures. The curious creatures were so close, I could look them in the eye as they caught a ride alongside Roam.
A playful pod of dolphins showing us up the west side .
We are making good time and the boys have all under control with our route all chart plotted out and most of the cruising done on auto pilot. Day one is well under way as we approach Flinders Island where we are mooring for the night in a sheltered little cove close to the beach. Chilled vibes coming from the saloon with Benn and Roly playing some tunes on the ukuleles and Joel and Mick discussing where to drop a line to try and catch a flat head for dinner.
No luck with the fishing but our location for the evening is just beautiful. We were lucky enough to have some local from a friend, Macca who lives on the island. Macca suggested the mooring spot for the night. My first time to Flinders Island may I add, In time for sun set beverages and to celebrate crossing Banks strait we popped a bottle of Tasmanian bubbles, Jansz. Now my part comes in , I have no experience sailing, or really boating for that matter but when it comes to food I love to cook. Having a floating home and kitchen is next level!
A successful Day , an incredible sun set and to top day one off, as the stars appeared so did the Aurora Australis … another first for me.
Benn, Rozza and Joel enjoying the sun .
Mick getting some shots of Roam in moored in our destination for the first night .
celebrating our Day one voyage with Jansz and a beautiful sunset