Day two time to leave the mooring in Port Davies , Flinders Island.
First mission, to find Macca's "flatty fishing spot " .
Macca assured us there is a high probability we will catch some fresh flat head, in a spot where he usually has some luck . Some fish for lunch is on the cards. It seems the flat head weren't biting this day, but the final total came to....
One Flatty.
two Wrasse, a Sergeant Major, two Gurnard and four of these little strange fish that i had never seen before, called a one Spotted Puller ... interesting name too.
Mick and Roland being persistent with this fishing business ...
Our spot for the night on the west side of Flinders Island , Port Davies.
The famous fishing pajama pants ... and the mysterious one Spotted Puller.
Captain Mick showing us how its done .. all these little ones went back.
9.49 am Time to find some surf.
10.18 am anchor down just out from a tiny nearby island.
Once again a little local knowledge goes a long way ... Macca thought the boys would enjoy a wave the locals surf off a nearby island. An opportunity for Roam to do just what Michael has built her for, finding waves . It's a beautiful day , warm , sun shining and clear calm waters where we put the anchor down.
Mick and Benn ready to rock and roll
Rozza ( Roland ) ready to shred it on my sisters board
It's go time ... The tender gets lowered, the boards come out of the surf locker wet suits are on. Roland has to borrow my board (which is actually my sisters board that I am borrowing shhhh) It's a beginner board and floats REALLY well , so Roland is bound to have fun trying to duck dive under the dumping little barrels.
Four people piled in the tender (3 men and me), 3 surf boards and Andy's precious camera , I feel rather nervous being responsible for... Benn does his best to avoid getting me completely saturated with spray as they take me to the island to be off loaded.
Surf Island to the left ..
I had no qualms being dropped off on this island in the sun to get some photos and surf footage.
I watch as the boys head out toward the back of the wave to anchor the tender. Wow this is so rad, I am the only person on this little island, oh and some wild life...
I almost , with bare feet , step right on a big well and truly deceased Cape Barren goose .
I rock hop around the island and over to where the wave is.
It's a gorgeous spot, and the wave is producing some fun little runners for the boys. I'm glad I'm on the island for this one, the wave breaks in onto some pretty aggressive rocks and it looks like hard work paddling out.
Roland giving my sisters board the most action its ever had
Trying to capture some fun surf footage and pics of the guys, and learning how to use the camera at the same time . I manage to capture some footage as I learn how to use Andrew's camera, the footage I will leave in Andy's clever hands to put together some clips.
It's lunch time and we need to replenish our food supplies. Lucky we have a professional Abalone diver as a part of the crew. On the way back to Roam Benn found us some beautiful fresh Tasmanian Green Lip Abalone. While he snorkeled around in search of green lip, Mick teaches me how to drive the tender "deck hand style", putting back and forth following Benn at his craft.
Mick shucking the Green lip fresh from Flinders Island waters
Thank you for having us Flinders , now it's time for Roam to meet the Bass Strait. Next stop Deal Island. As we approach the Kent group islands, the spectacular cliff faces of Deal Island come into sight . The light house and homestead is visible also.
As we get closer Michael motors along close enough for Benn and I to take the tender in , exploring a big crevasse in the cliff face.
The sights just get more and more stunning as we enter the Murray Passage. Surrounded by islands, Deal island on our Starboard side and Dover and Erith Islands to our Port. All crew on deck, we pull into East Cove and drop the anchor . I feel like we have just pulled into a wild life paradise. The Soluna (an Abalone mother ship) is also anchored in the calm waters of east cove for the evening .
The Saloona , Mick and Benn on deck saying hello to their good mate Rat ( Liam Rattray ) .
With plenty of daylight left Mick , Benn and I take the Tender ashore to hike up to the homestead and museum for a look. The old museum is open so we let ourselves in. Full of information on the the islands history (once a home for those that lived on the island) is still as is was originally and currently being restored, Very cool !
The Old East cover Jetty with the Original track still on it, leading up the hill . once used for carting supplies to homestead.
One of the locals , there were so many wallabies hopping around, they certainly were not shy.
Looking down into East Cove bay from the Path up to the Homestead.
Deal Island original homestead, now a museum.
The wall coverings are old news paper clippings.
#teamROAM checking in
Deal Island light house on the highest point of Deal Island. Benn in the foreground.
A family of Cape Barren Geese
The sun is starting to go down so we wander back down the steep path to find a spot to watch the sun set over this wild landscape...
After a couple of Sun set sailor Jerry's and some nibbles. The water looking so inviting, Benn and I decided to jump off the jetty.
Getting ready to jump annnddd "arrrrrggghhh" thanks Benn , who decided to give me a helping hand pushed me off the end of the jetty and it was freeeeezing. 13 degrees C..... Lucky for us Roam has an outdoor shower to rinse off at the stern , still hot from the engines running .
Roam and and Soluna sheltered in East cove on sunset .
Sunset Rumbos with the Captain, Michael Hoult admiring his creation.
Over dinner, barbecued seafood that the boys caught this morning and a glass of red, the crew made the decision that Deal Island has more to explore and we will stay another night.
Tomorrow Mick and I will head ashore with our mountain bikes to explore the island ....